Bert Ray Page born 6/6/11

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Can we say we are now hip?!?!

So This is my first blog ever and my first post ever! If you read this......... you are a part of my history! Thanks to getting canned from my job, and to my friend Danica, I am now HIP! I have some spare time and I can get in touch with my family and friends!
We just finished watching conference and Bert and our friends are playing cards while I am blogging. What a party pooper I am! I did tell them that I would be playing the next game. Better live up to my word! I love you guys!


  1. wahoooo! i feel special to be the first to comment too... :) hehe!

  2. Yay!! Welcome to the blogging world :)

  3. Yippee, now life is complete!!

  4. love it! soo glad you have a blog now!

  5. I am glad you have a blog! yay! I am sorry you got canned from your job.

  6. YAY! Amber! I just love you to death!! You better keep this updated or I'll be on your case! :)
